The Art of Positive Living – Rico Handjaja’s Life Coaching Secrets

Rico Handjaja is a human performance coach who teaches clients to achieve their peak potential. He believes that qualities often perceived as negative can actually serve a positive purpose, in the right context.

He combines life coaching with personal growth and mindfulness to bring a holistic approach to his work. His teachings emphasize self-awareness and authentic leadership, allowing leaders to make conscious decisions and build meaningful connections.


Self-awareness is the ability to understand your strengths and weaknesses, as well as your emotions and beliefs. This helps you make decisions that align with your values and goals, which leads to greater happiness and success.

In addition, self-awareness helps you avoid the Dunning–Kruger effect. This cognitive bias occurs when you underestimate your own abilities and overestimate the capabilities of others. This can lead to poor team and organizational culture.

The best way to cultivate self-awareness is to practice mindfulness and meditation. You can also try journaling or other self-reflection techniques. It is important to remember that there are two types of self-awareness: internal and external. Internal self-awareness refers to your own personal values and beliefs, while external self-awareness refers to how other people perceive you.


Empathy is a critical trait to have, especially in this age of division. Psychologists describe it as the “psychological superglue” that connects people and promotes kindness and cooperation. Empathy can also help us to make more positive decisions in social situations by helping us understand the motivations and emotions of others.

The difference between empathy and sympathy is that while you might feel sympathetic for someone who is in pain, empathy requires more of a shared perspective and emotion—you actually experience the pain or joy with them. For example, if your friend is upset about a difficult relationship, you might share in their sadness and help them to process their feelings.

In a recent survey, Life Coaches rated empathy as the most important factor in coaching sessions. In a qualitative inductive analysis, coaches were asked to explain 1) why empathy was rated so highly and 2) how they show empathy during coaching sessions.


Rico Handjaja teaches his clients to make conscious decisions that align with their true selves. They also learn to embrace change and be resilient in the face of challenges. Moreover, they develop the ability to empathize with others and understand their own strengths and weaknesses.

Mindfulness is the practice of consciously focusing one’s attention on the present moment. It’s the ability to observe your thoughts and emotions without judgment, which allows you to stay present during life’s most challenging moments.

This mindset allows you to be more objective when making decisions. Studies show that people who are mindful are better able to separate relevant information from irrelevant information, and they are less likely to rely on stereotypes when reaching conclusions. In addition, they are more likely to follow through on their intentions by taking action.


Authenticity is an aspect of positive psychology that involves acting in accordance with one’s core values and beliefs. It is a necessary component of well-being, as it motivates people to self-verify and self-enhance. Moreover, authenticity promotes open discussion of different viewpoints and can help in making more thoughtful decisions.

It is a process that takes time to cultivate. Individuals can learn to identify their true values and desires through mindful practices such as mindfulness and self-reflection. They can then make conscious choices in their personal and professional lives that are aligned with these values. As such, they can develop emotional resilience and move through adversity with clarity and confidence. Authenticity can also foster more meaningful relationships and improve overall life satisfaction. Authenticity is important in life coaching, as it facilitates transformational shifts in clients’ lives.


Resilience is the ability to cope with adversity and trauma. This strength allows individuals to face challenges head-on and bounce back from difficult situations. Developing resilience is important because life is inherently filled with challenges and setbacks. It also helps improve productivity, reduce stress and increase fulfillment. While resilience won’t make your problems go away, it will give you the tools you need to overcome them.

Resilient people often have the following traits: Social support They can rely on their family and friends for help. Optimism They believe they can solve their problems. Healthy coping mechanisms They use non-negative outlets to deal with stress, such as exercise or meditation. They prioritize connections and build on existing strengths. They also know their own limits and strive to achieve them.


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